Racist and Race-Hoaxer (and white housewife exploiter) Oprah Tries To Escape The Swiss Lie She Told

1. As I said yesterday, isn’t it just a little “too neat” that, while promoting a film with a heavy racial theme, Oprah pulls a “this racism just happened to me” anecdote out of a $38,000 purse?2. Why didn’t Oprah want to announce to the world the name of a store that practices racism? Would that make the story too easy to check?3. I repeat: Why isn’t Oprah outraged that a practicing racist just called her a liar in front of the whole world?Our media claims that its job is to hold power accountable, especially when the powerful exploit the powerless.Don’t hold your breath. Our media loves a race hoax.

Source: Race Hoax? Oprah Downplays Swiss Mess After Accused Racist Calls Her a Liar

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